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MEETYOU CARBIDE produces a wide range of excellent tungsten carbide products (especially carbide rods, carbide blanks, carbide flat bar, tungsten carbide cold heading dies and tungsten carbide wire drawing dies), both standard and customized in accordance with customers’ needs. For example, in the past few years, we helped many companies to choose the best grade for their application, resulting in more effective and durable tools.In the past few years, compared with other tungsten carbide rod suppliers, we helped many companies to choose the best grade for their application, resulting in more effective and durable tools. For example, we developed MT12S grade which is consisted of 12% Cobalt with grain size under 0.6um WC as a replacement for previous 0.8um grain size for a carbide cutting tool company, helping them make harder and stronger tool. Plus, we also reduce the cost of material by more than 5%. As a tungsten carbide supplier, we will do our best.

 Also, product quality and process efficiency are examined by the strictest international standards. Strict control of our raw material supply chains and 100% traceability for every product batch throughout the entire manufacturing process.

 What is tungsten carbide rod?

Cemented carbide rods are an alloy product made by a powder metallurgy process.

The main characteristics of cemented carbide rods are stable mechanical properties, easy welding, high wear resistance and perfect impact resistance. Carbide rod is usually superior for the cutting of tough materials such as carbon steel or stainless steel, as well as in situations where other cutting tools would wear away faster, such as high-quantity production runs.

Applications of tungsten carbide rods

 Carbide rods are mainly used for drills, end mills, and reamer. It can also be used for cutting, stamping and measuring tools. It is used in the paper, packaging, printing, and non-ferrous metal processing industries. In addition, it is also widely used in the processing of high-speed steel tools, carbide milling cutters, carbide tools, carbide drills, high-speed steel, carbide tools, etc. Carbide rods can be used not only for cutting and drilling tools but also for input needles, various roll wore parts and structural materials. In addition, it can be used in many fields, such as machinery, chemical, petroleum, metallurgy, electronics and defense industries

The Grade Chart

grade MT09UMT10SMT12SMT25SMT06UMT20.8
ISO range K10-K20K20-K40K20-K40K20-K40K05-K10K40-K50
WC+other carbide%9190888893.585
WC grain sizeμm0.
HRA 93.591.591.292.593.589.5
transverse rupture strengthN/mm2380041004200440037003800
kpsi 590609638540551551
fracture toughnessMpa.m?
young’s moduluskpsi867808536080860800009100079086
compressive strengthkpsi11451015101011091156957

The application

Grade Properties and applications
MT09U Ultra-fine grain WC with 9%Co Very high wear resistance and excellent deformation resistance High cutting speed milling, finishing For use on hardened steel, plastics, fibre reinforced materials, HRC55-65
MT10S Ultra-fine grain WC with 10%Co  Very high wear resistance and excellent deformation resistance High cutting speed milling&drilling For general usage and suitable for all kinds of material belowHRC45
MT12S Submicron grain WC with 12%Co High toughness and wear resistance Specially designed for machining stainless steel For use on stainless steel, nickel-based alloys, titanium alloy and special alloy
MT25S Ultra-fine grain WC with 12%Co Very high toughness and high wear resistance Suitable for finishing processing and roughing of steels with hardness between 45 and 55HRC steels for surface treatments, nickel and nickel alloys
MT06U Submicron grain WC with 6% Co Very high wear resistance High cutting speed For drilling and milling of plastic composites, PCB, ceramics, woods and MDF
MT20.8 Submicron grain WC with 15%Co High strength and toughness High-speed punching For use on solid carbide punches

 Three production models

Tungsten Carbide Rod Supplier In China 4


Extrusion is the most popular method of producing carbide rods. It is a very practical way to manufacture long carbide rods like 330mm.310mm and 500mm, etc. However, its time-consuming drying process is the weakness that we have to pay attention to.

Tungsten Carbide Rod Supplier In China 5

Automatic Press

Automatic pressing is the most effective ways to press short sizes like 6*50,10*75,16*100, etc. It can save cost from cutting carbide rods and it doesn’t need time to dry. So the lead time is faster than extrusion. On the other hand, long rods cannot be manufactured by this method.

Tungsten Carbide Rod Supplier In China 6

Cold Isostatic Press

Cold isostatic press(CIP) is the latest technology of making carbide rods. Because it can make long bars like 400mm but it doesn’t require wax like extrusion, so it doesn’t need time to dry, either. This is the best option when making big diameters like 30mm and 40mm.

Why we are a good tungsten carbide rod supplier?

?100% virgin material from Germany Powder H.C.Starck

?Raw material stock available

?Custom case sizes available

?Various carbide grades available

?Low cost 

Our aim is to satisfy our customers, and we regard “the best can be better” and “to maximize the satisfaction of customers” as its operation commitment. MEETYOU CARBIDE will be with you for a bright future.

“It really saves me time and effort. Meetyou Carbide’s carbide rod is exactly what our business has been lacking. It provides value more than its cost.”

– Jacquetta R.

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IMTEX 2019 http://www.guodeganghao.cn/imtex-2019/ http://www.guodeganghao.cn/imtex-2019/#respond Wed, 16 Jan 2019 08:04:49 +0000 https://www.mcctcarbide.com/?p=3299
IMTEX 2019 7
http://www.guodeganghao.cn/imtex-2019/feed/ 0 3299
Trade Exhibitions 2018 http://www.guodeganghao.cn/trade-exhibitions-2018/ http://www.guodeganghao.cn/trade-exhibitions-2018/#respond Mon, 03 Dec 2018 08:58:12 +0000 https://www.mcctcarbide.com/?p=3120



?April 24-27? 2018

Booth: G114a

Expo Center Norte – SP

Intermach Show 2018

ASEAN’s Largest Industrial Machinery and Subcontracting Exhibition (35th Edition)

May 16-19? 2018

Booth: E24


IMTS 2018

International Manufacturing Technology Show

?Sep?10-15? 2018


McCormick Place ?Chicago IL? USA

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