
What is X-ray Energy Spectrometer for Metallographic Analysis(EDS) 1

Working system

EDS energy spectrometer is an instrument for analyzing material elements, which is often combined with scanning electron microscope or transmission electron microscope. It bombards the sample surface with electron beam in a vacuum chamber to excite the material to emit characteristic X-rays. According to the wavelength of characteristic X-rays, it can qualitatively and semi quantitatively analyze the elements of B-U in the periodic table of elements. EDS can provide micro qualitative or semi quantitative analysis of component elements on the sample surface, And point, line scan and mapping analysis of specific areas.

Points for attention in data analysis

mainly used for qualitative analysis of elements;

the energy spectrometer can analyze elements with atomic number greater than 5, and the spectrometer can analyze all elements with atomic number from 4 to 92;

EDS analysis methods include point analysis, line analysis and surface analysis; All elements of a point are obtained by point analysis; Line analysis: perform an element analysis on a specified line each time, and scan multiple times to obtain the line distribution of all elements; Surface analysis analyzes all elements in a specified surface, and the measured element content is the average value of the measurement surface range. the volume excited by EDS for micro area analysis is about 10um3;

EDS is often used in combination with SEM to scan the point, line and surface morphology and analyze the composition of the target part;

detection limit: 0.1%, only semi quantitative analysis can be done, the accuracy is generally 1% to 5%, and the depth is generally 1 ~ 5 microns.

Application fields and analysis cases

  • Element detection of lamp bead incoming materials
What is X-ray Energy Spectrometer for Metallographic Analysis(EDS) 2
  • Chip structure analysis
What is X-ray Energy Spectrometer for Metallographic Analysis(EDS) 3
  • Support structure analysis
What is X-ray Energy Spectrometer for Metallographic Analysis(EDS) 4
  • Element distribution of lithium battery materials

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